Child Safety at the Fond du Lac Family YMCA


Children’s safety is a foundational priority for the Y in our mission to help youth reach their full potential. In our commitment to ensuring the protection of every child, our staff and volunteers adhere to strict Child Abuse Prevention Policies and Reporting Procedures. These policies and procedures promote a positive, nurturing environment while protecting children and teens, and those who work with them in our organization.

To keep children in our programs safe, we take the following steps in our intensive screening of employees and volunteers:

  • All members and employees are scanned regularly through a nationwide sexual offender registry. 
  • Detailed employment application forms
  • Comprehensive employee reference checks that include standardized questions that assess risk for abuse.
  • Criminal record checks.
  • Supervisors complete additional training to further promote a child safe environment. 
  • Staff and Volunteers are required to abide by our Child Protection Policies.
  • Staff and Volunteers are mandated to report any suspected child abuse.
  • Staff are prohibited from working 1-on-1 with or contacting youth outside of the Y.
  • Policies exist to ensure staff and volunteers are not alone with a child.  All interaction between a staff and child must be observable and interruptible.
  • Members and program participants are required to abide by our Code of Conduct. If someone is non-compliant, please let us know immediately.

See something, Say Something

It takes everyone’s help to stop the cycle of abuse. To report suspected child abuse or neglect, please call the Fond du Lac County Access Unit or the county where the suspected abuse or neglect occurred.

By contacting the Fond du Lac County Access Unit, your call:
• Could save a child's life
• Could prevent further abuse or neglect
• May allow families to receive resources or services, which they may desperately need
• Makes a valuable contribution to the protection of children and the prevention of abuse

If you believe that a child, age 0-17 years, has been abused or neglected or is at risk, you should report your concerns to the Fond du Lac County Department of Social Services immediately by calling: (920) 929-3400 or (920) 929-3202 or via email:

Additional Resources

A Parent’s Guide:  Talking to Young Children about Sexual Abuse

Child Protection and Safety Brochure

We offer a confidential consultation hotline through Praesidium Child Abuse Prevention. You can share your concerns safely and anonymously by calling (855) 347-0751. 

To report or discuss additional safety concerns or provide feedback, please contact:

JJ Raflik                                                 Kristel Lougher
CEO/Executive Director                          Associate Executive Director | 920.921.3330 | 920.921.3330