Military Outreach
We understand that military families are under enormous strain. As a member of the Y, you and your family can spend quality time together and enjoy fun activities in a warm, supportive environment. It’s also a place to meet other military families who can relate to your unique situation.
Who is eligible for membership?
Military Outreach Initiative details
Title 10 personnel are eligible for a Y membership, including:
Family members of deployed National Guard and Reservists
Active Duty Independent Duty personnel and their families
Relocated spouse/dependent children of deployed Active Duty personnel
Note: The Relocated Spouse category supports families/spouse who relocate away from an installation/duty station while the active duty service member is deployed. All of the following criteria must be met:
-The service member is on active duty.
-The service member is DEPLOYED for a minimum of six months (on deployment orders—NOT unaccompanied orders, NOT geographic bachelors).
-The spouse has relocated away from the military installation where the service member is assigned (most often, back home near family).
4. Wounded service members assigned to a Community Based Warrior in Transition Unit (CBWTU)
What do I need to do?
Contact Military OneSource at or 800-342-9647 to confirm your eligibility and receive an eligibility form.
Fill out and bring your eligibility form, Military ID and required documentation (your Deployment Orders or Military Service Headquarters approval letter) to the YMCA Welcome Center Desk for verification.
Contact Brittany Drews at 920.921.3330 x319 for more information regarding Military memberships.