Winter Youth Sports
Please refer to the Programs page for the current Program Guide of programs and classes available for registration.
Little Dribblers
Take your basketball game to the next level. In this 4- week session participants will focus on the three fundamentals of basketball: dribbling, passing, and shooting. These skills will be taught though stations and games.
Grades 3K-4K
Take your basketball game to the next level. In this 4- week session participants will focus on the three fundamentals of basketball: dribbling, passing, and shooting. These skills will be taught though stations and games.
1st-3rd Grade
Co-ed TAG Rugby OPEN GYM
The FDL Rugby Academy offers FREE tag rugby gym time for kids in grades 1st -8th. Whether you have played before or are curious about the sport and want to try it out, this is a perfect opportunity! Come learn about rugby and join in on the fun this winter at NO COST!
Grades 1-8
Co-ed flag Rugby
Do you want to play a game where you can be the quarterback, the running back and the receiver all at once? Then try Flag Rugby this winter! Flag Rugby is a fast moving, non-contact, running and ball-carrying game suitable for boys and girls to play together. The interchangeable nature of possession requires switching from defense to offense in an instant and helps to develop a wide variety of skills. Cooperation and determination along with individual and collective responsibility are key elements in the game of Flag Rugby.
Grades 1-2
Grades 3-4
Grades 6-8