Keeping you connected - Download our Mobile App

Make the most of your membership. Available in the Android and Apple markets.

Download our Mobile APP:

Search the store and download:

  1. Search “Daxko” in the App Store or Google Play

  2. Download and open the App

  3. Search for and choose “Fond du Lac YMCA”

  4. Set notification preferences

  5. Enter your member barcode(s) under cards

APP Icon:

Apple - The App icon will automatically update to the YMCA icon for Apple users.

Android - The App icon will remain the Daxko icon for Android users.

APP Features:

  1. Scan in at our facility using your smart phone

  2. Search and register for programs

  3. Manage multiple bar codes for you and your family

  4. View fitness class, gym and pool schedules.  Sort by area, type, time and class, to view only what you want to see.

  5. Add programs and events directly to your calendar